Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Robs Reasons to Plant A Garden

Plant a Garden

Robs Reasons - to plant a garden...

Because it will calm you the F**K down. If you're anything like me, you get wound up and stressed throughout the day. Different exterior factors come into play like dealing with work, driving on the California highways, and old people out in public. BUT when you get home and drop all your baggage at the door like a kid home from school, and go into your sanctuary aka your garden, the stress fades away while you become focused on the miraculous plants you nuture and nurish to bring life to. You will slowly realize that your garden is your "zen" place. The place where the outside world does not get to you and weigh you down. Your garden becomes a stressfree zone and it even becomes a meditation zone, where you can go to pray and figure out the issues of the day. 

My next reason is that you become even more self sufficient when you bear fruit in your garden. Bring a garden full cycle from seed to fruit is an amazing proccess. It teaches your many things. One trait that is always appreciated especially nowadays is patience. A garden doesnt grow overnight. It takes time and a lot of caring to get from seed to fruit. But working diligently through the entire proccess makes a more devoted person (remember, practicing skills a little at a time makes the foundation stronger and more ready to learn them on a bigger scale). You have to devote yourself to giving life to the plants. And patience to watch them grow into flowers. You instill confidence in yourself getting your hands dirty while nuturing this garden. You find tiny accomplishments within each stage of the plant. It's a mighty reward when you can go out to your garden to pick food for dinner.

My next reason is that peace is found in nature. Wildlife will naturally migrate to your garden whether it come in the form of bees or hummingbirds. But after a while and when your garden becomes established, you will start to see more and more wildlife. It's calming to watch nature work and also gives us insight to how big and miraculous life is around. For me, I see God in nature. I see how perfectly designed our world is that when I go off to work in the morning, the birds and bees have their own routines which is of devine instinct for these creatures. Its awe inspiring to witness first hand. The bee collects pollen, the bird finds seed, all of these things it has been programed to do not through learning but through God. You will discover an inner peace when you witness first hand the greatness of our Lord God. Peace in Nature.

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