Sunday, December 25, 2011

Beauty in Little Things

From "conversations" to "find a penny pick it up".... Beauty lay silent in the little things in life. Having a deep conversation to realizing you love someone.

Sometimes beauty lays await.

When you loose your faith, find beauty in that, a cold blustery blistful dark traumatic thing holds beauty.... the Beauty in loosing your faith is that one day you will find it again, whether it is found when a stanger holds conversation with you and you realize kindness really does exist or whether it be in looking up at the stars on a darker than dark night, you renew yourself when you renew your faith.

We all have periods of time that stretch longer than we feel necessary, but let those continuous moments build you into the strongest person you can be.
I once said, to be able to be the strongest you, you must allow yourself to get to your weakest weak. I am talking, weak beyond weak, you must be brittle to become chisel'd of stone. Lets the waves of storms crash upon you like the ocean waves break upon the sand, and as those waves break down the sand into finer molecules of sand, so will you be broken down, but fear not, for as you break into pieces you can use that to really understand what you are made up of.... once you see all the broke pieces there are of you, you will know, and even more better (don't correct my grammar, even mentally, don't correct it), you will understand the pieces of you, what you are composed of... how God wrote you to be and made you up of many pieces that lay shattered right now in this moment..... But once you understand how broken you can be, then you can build yourself with bonds forged from the hottest fires, like the samurai blade, ready to slice through the valleys of the deepest dark.

Beauty lay await in the little things... are you open

Merry Christmas, for Christ was born to show us how to love. Love one another

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