Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Second Place

I have figured out something about myself...... I can't stand feeling like someone is choosing booze over me..... I know its because I grew up around/dealing with alcoholism my entire life..... So, if there is one thing that I do not ever want to compete with.... it's booze. I will submit and say "go booze but leave me be"..... I feel like I have worked hard enough in my life to get to the point where I should not have to have that in my life, or should never have to feel like I come in second place to boozing/partying. I feel like I should be able to have people who make me feel wanted, not make me feel like after the party is over and they had their fill and the booze is gone, then they want me. I don't believe anyone should have to feel like that..... And I know the sad thing is, a lot of people accept that as their fate.... When they should be sick and tired of feeling like second place, especially to alcohol.... Alcohol ruins people and takes everything from addicts.... alcohol never gives, it doesn't improve relationships, it doesn't help but it does love to hinder...... And once my therapist laid it down for me real sh*t style.... She said alcohol has taken so much from you, why don't you dislike it...... Then listing the things it ripped from my life..... And I know not everyone is an alcoholic but I do know that anyone who has ever drank/got drunk has maybe possibly experienced having to apologize the next morning for something said/did that wouldn't have been done minus the booze. I just feel like I want to be surrounded by people who refuse to let anyone they love/know feel like second place to booze.

Show Love.

1 comment:

  1. Noone should feel like they are 2nd place to ANYTHING. Especially not a substance. Whether or not someone feels they, personally have a problem with alcohol or anything else... if someone you love has a problem with it- YOU (just by default) have a problem with it. If it makes someone you care for, uncomfortable... then what's the problem in giving it up? Especially if there is a background of substance abuse on any side. If one does not suffer from an addiction, stopping won't be a problem, or issue. And, if someone suffers from an addiction they shouldn't be using anyway. There is always a choice. Whether you will put LOVE first, is a choice. I think the choice is always made easier when one is forced to come to the realization of how few people in this world will REALLY love you. LOVE... there is NO stronger force on Earth or in Heaven, but it's essence is fragile. It must be nurtured, protected, made a priority. Think about what YOU would do for those you love... aren't you worthy of at least that, if someone loves you? Love is not a one-way street. A Love is shared. It's give and take. Just one persons thoughts...
