Saturday, December 24, 2011

What I ve Learned....

The learning process is constant... And if you think differently then I suggest taking a good long deep look around you at the little things, the things you might have never even noticed. We need an open heart and open mind to understand that learning happens around us and to us every single day of our lives.... now it is whether you are open to let it mold you or if you are closed for business, that is the determining factor in whether or not we accept the learning process.

I am constantly learning, especially when I dont want to be... I find the things I am most set in my ways about are also the things that I could use a look from the other side of the sidewalk on.... It's tough to drop the pride, admit my view is not every view, and take a long walk in someone else's kicks/shoes.... But if you want to grow as a person, this is crucial to advancing your thought-process pallet.... Even when I think someone else is dead wrong - And I'm talking sky is blue type sh*t - It is nice for them to know that you have considered their side... even try to make a point for them, help their debate which in turn will command your debate to strengthen.... And when dealing with stubborn bull headed people, go look in the mirror because emotions evoke emotions and anger evokes anger so maybe, just maybe, you/I am sending out energy that demands in return the same - aka you are being wicked hard headed yourself - which I find myself to be more than occasionally.... This is not a bad thing.... Someone once said to me that when they see how hot-headed I got, that hot-headedness translated to them as passion... that blew me away because I had always just heard that I am hot-headed, which sounds like I have an anger problem, when at the end of an argument or debate - I can always hug it out and tell you I love you, which I feel is not constitutional of a anger issue... BUT I am a passionate person so when I feel something, I FEEL it with all my being. Thus, hot-headed for my side of the debate. I know like to consider myself passionate, which I have always been, it just took someone with a different view to reveal that to me...

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