Sunday, February 26, 2012

There are people

There are people we meet in life, who, for a loss of a better word.... just click.
These people, no matter the distance, the time, or anything that could come inbetween, have this impeccable ability to pick up a conversation with you after 10 years like it was just yesterday.
I consider myself one of the lucky ones.... because I have a few of these people in my life.
These are my boys, that I've known since I was little, who will forever be some of the greatest people I have ever known, and keep friendship with throughout the years.... And some of these relationships I'm talking is going on ovahhh 20 years.
These are my boys. For life. Till the MothaF*ckin Wheels Fall Off.

I love you guys. Know that

1 comment:

  1. "I love you guys. Know that "

    These kinds of people? They already know.


