Monday, January 2, 2012


I've been compelled to write. Some of this stuff hasn't even been me, it feels like. I don't know why but I keep coming to my computer and needing to write. Like getting sick, like vomiting, your mind says "oh God no, please I hate throwing up" but your body demands differently knowing better and making you vomit. It's like something keeps making me lyrically vomit. I keep spewing words on the page, not caring if its good or not, just needing to get it out. I feel the essence of my mother with me when I do. My mother was a writer and compassionately left her soul on the page. Something deeper tells me it's her, helping me get it out. You may think I'm crazy, But I don't know how else to explain why I have been compelled, no, made, to write so often lately.

1 comment:

  1. You are doing what you are meant to do. You KNOW your own soul and reasoning. Consciously or not. Let life flow forth from your fingertips... people need it.
